Innovation Day was fun! I was with Sam, Josh, and Aviv. We did a waterwheel and were trying to innovate something that would keep the aesthetics and fun of the space and environment around us! We hypothesize that the waterwheel will turn, spinning a motor to generate electricity. The materials we used were a four-litre bottle, a waterwheel Mr. Ray gave us. We also used a little tub to hold the water from the jug, straws, tape, a shoebox, a DC motor, a resistor, alligator clips, an L.E.D., and a lot of hot glue. So much hot glue. We didn’t work together well, either. There were always arguments, about ideas and whether they would work. And in the end, we made it by cutting a hole near the bottom of the jug and put a straw in it so we had a tap thingy. Then we put a straw onto the tub and put the waterwheel on it. We also glued the generator, which we made with a DC motor, shoebox, resistor, wires, and the L.E.D. we weren’t able to connect the waterwheel to the generator, but we were able to show how it generates. So, in the end, we had a working waterwheel and generator. goodbye!